Our goal is to advance academic and comprehensive research in topics on medicine and various approaches to human health that respect and adapt to the ways of nature, based on the idea of self-healing disposition innate to human beings.


Research Activities

Research publication "A qualitative study on the coping responses of cancer patients who practice the Okada health and wellness program"

A research report entitled "A qualitative study on the coping responses of cancer patients who practice the Okada health and wellness program" authored by Dr. Tanaka et al, has been published in the Journal of the Japanese Society for Integrative Medicine. 
A total of 10 one-on-one interviews were conducted with eight cancer patients. The study indicated that the  evaluation of  anxiety and fear towards the disease in the initial phase were replaced by a sense of satisfaction as the meaning of the disease changed through the continuation of various coping efforts, namely the Okada health and wellness program. 
Sense of coherence was maintained in most of the cancer patients who participated in this study.
For more information, please contact the Foundation. The report is in Japanese with English abstract.