Our goal is to advance academic and comprehensive research in topics on medicine and various approaches to human health that respect and adapt to the ways of nature, based on the idea of self-healing disposition innate to human beings.


Research Activities

Publication of The Handbook of Applied Psychology

May 30, 2023 / Information / Research Activities

The Handbook of Applied Psychology (in Japanese) has been published by Fukumura Publishing Co. This handbook is a reference full of tips for applied psychology research, taking hot topics from 16 areas and disciplines and providing the historical background of related research, the latest trends, and future issues and prospects.
Tomoaki Kimura, a senior researcher at MOA Health Science Center, was one of the editorial board members and was in charge of editing and reviewing "Chapter 9, Health. Seiya Uchida, Senior Research Fellow, wrote "Shoulder Stiffness and Relaxation," and Hideaki Tanaka, Research Fellow, wrote "Complementary and Alternative Medicine - Integrative Medicine.
