Our goal is to advance academic and comprehensive research in topics on medicine and various approaches to human health that respect and adapt to the ways of nature, based on the idea of self-healing disposition innate to human beings.


Research Activities

Latest update on the publication of the study on OPT

October 8, 2020 / Research Activities

International Coss-Sectional Study on the Effectiveness of Okada Purifying Therapy.jpg

A study conducted by Dr. Kiyoshi Suzuki, was published in the Journal of Alternative & Complementary Medicine.

 The study is entitled "International Cross-Sectional Study on the Effectiveness of Okada Purifying Therapy, a Biofield Therapy, for the Relief of Various Symptoms"

The aim of the study was to make a comparison on the efficacy and safety of Okada Purifying Therapy. Overall symptoms improved by 77.5%, body pain improved by 75.6%, anxiety-depressive symptoms improved by 78.4%, and dizziness motivation improved by 73.8%. Participants in Chile/Peru had a higher rate of improvement than participants in Japan, the United States, and Thailand (p <0.001).

 The paper can be accessed at the following: